eVikings II
Work packages
- WP1: Establishment of the virtual centre of excellence
- WP2: Supporting RTD in software technologies and trust and confidence
Prof. Tarmo Uustalu (IoC), Prof. Jaan Penjam (IoC),
Prof. Jüri Vain (TTU), Dr. Varmo Vene (UT),
Prof. Ahto Buldas (Cybernetica)
- WP3: Supporting RTD in language technologies
Dr. Einar Meister (IoC), Prof. Haldur Õim (UT),
Prof. Matti Karjalainen (HUT), Dr. Urmas Sutrop (EKI)
- WP4: Supporting RTD in digital systems
Prof. Raimund Ubar (TTU)
- WP5: Introduction of technology management to graduate studies
Dr. Indrek Reimand (EITF), Prof. Jüri Papstel (TTU),
Mr. Raul Roos (Ericsson), Dr. Jean-Marie Furbringer (EPFL),
Mr. Sergei Ilmjärv (EMT), Mr. Tõnis Eerme (TSP)
- WP6: Internationalization of the exploitation of the RTD results
Mr. Tarmo Pihl (Archimedes)
- WP7: Reinforcing coherence with scientific and technological innovation
Mr. Tarmo Pihl (Archimedes), Mr. Tarmo Kalvet (PRAXIS)
- WP8: Management
Prof. Jaan Penjam (IoC), Prof. Tarmo Uustalu (IoC), Mr. Tarmo Pihl (Archimedes)
Last update 29 August 2004